Contract with a PR agency — what should be included in it?

Are you planning to cooperate with a PR agency? We suggest what to pay attention to so that both parties are satisfied with the signed contract.

The moment of the decision to choose a Public Relations agency leads both parties inevitably to the next stage — negotiating the terms of cooperation and specific provisions in the contract. Here are some points that are particularly worth paying attention to.

The scope of cooperation

Clients strive to clarify public relations and complementary services as a standard fully. It is entirely understandable. However, PR is a highly flexible tool, and it is not worth quantifying in advance, for example, the number of messages to the media.

Entering a specific number affects both sides. Too little mentioned material in the contract may result in losing communication opportunities. The situation is similar in the case of social media. In addition to contracting services, we can specify the hours the agency will devote to a given issue during the month.

Acceptance of materials

It is also worth entering the contract’s method of accepting the materials. The essential provision that the client must approve each text before it is sent to the media can be distinguished and show what type of material requires what level of approval.

If we are talking about a big company, some of the files for some clients have to be, for example, accepted by the head office. Such a provision can be included in the contract. You can also indicate specific people.

Some contracts also regulate the issues of reaction to the report or summary of the meeting.


Another emotional point is the issue of copyright transfer. It is essential to make a distinction — the agency may transfer to the client only the rights to the works to which it owns them – i.e., those produced by its employees or subcontractors — as long as it signs relevant contracts with them. Most often, the latter option is also associated with a higher cost.

Therefore, the client must communicate the scope of rights they expect at the contract stage and negotiations.

Fees issues

In contracts with clients, we always separate issues related to agency fees from external costs, such as media monitoring and press office fees. This gives the customer full transparency.


In the case of permanent cooperation, we sign an additional entrustment agreement regulating the issue of entrusting us with data by the client.


On the one hand, for a self-respecting agency, it is a standard — but of course, this provision should be included in the contract. The default period is five years, but ten years is also used.

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