Asterisk Media marketing services


Progressive marketing solutions for you and your product.


You can meet your future followers in several places on the Internet, and if you are prepared for this meeting, you will maximise the chance of consolidating your marketing message. However, nowadays, marketing is not about dry messages but building relationships and ties with your audience, where emotions play a crucial role in wanting to subscribe and follow your progress.

If you are a blogger, performer, or another digital creator, Asterisk Media experts develop online marketing activities in which the message is to evoke the desired associations and emotions in your audience. Also, we select the contact points where these messages “meet” with your followers.


Acting without a strategy is like going to the mountains without a map, planning, and then analysing weather conditions. The online strategy is the first stage of all internet marketing activities.

Asterisk Media designs growth strategies in digital channels based primarily on data analysis, understanding the needs and goals and adapting to current trends. We define KPI success measures and plan the evaluation of activities. We put everything together in a plan along with a schedule.

As part of online 360-degree ​​marketing activities:

  • We implement integrated communication activities on many Internet channels at the same time.
  • We select messages and deal with creating advertising slogans and graphic design.
  • We prepare online marketing strategies.
  • We measure the effects.


Performance and Analytics

Finding the right way to reach your audience is an essential part of our job in running a PPC campaign. We develop attractive messages and advertisements that respond to search terms searched by users.

Performance PPC campaigns are, in part, the art, knowledge, and ability to analyse data. In our marketing agency, when implementing campaigns in Google Ads, Facebook Ads, or other advertising systems, our goal is to improve conversion, increase return on advertising expenditure, and increase audience engagement.

Google Ads

We implement Google Ads/Paid Search campaigns in the Google search engine. The advantage of campaigns in the Google environment is that it is the entire advertising system — from Google search, through the content network, to Gmail and YouTube videos and much more. We start our cooperation with an audit and setting up all the necessary tools to conduct advertising activities. We plan and optimise campaigns focused on earning.

YouTube Ads

With the help of YouTube Ads, you as a blogger can get a large number of advantages, including:

  • The massive reach of people at a meagre cost per person.
  • Advertising your blog in any YouTube video, even in clips of world-famous performers.
  • Point targeted setting. With the help of point settings, you can easily find people who best suit your target audience criteria.
  • Full contact. Capturing attention and building relationships with a person by influencing two senses simultaneously (vision and hearing), when in ordinary advertising (banner, text, pillar), only vision is involved.


We check and configure Google Analytics tools to effectively plan and optimise digital marketing activities as a well-configured analyst is the basis of perfect advertising campaigns!


We do content and select distribution channels so your potential followers can easily find them. We tell stories that interest and engage Internet users. In content marketing, we focus on various tools that will attractively present the content and simultaneously captivate the narrative we produce for you.

Idea and strategy

We start with an idea for your story and then transfer it to various communication channels. We plan and implement content marketing activities following the strategy and measure and analyse its effects.

SEO copywriting

A few years earlier, all content was written exclusively for search engines. It was enough to optimise the texts with the maximum number of keywords, and the site easily entered the top search results. But with the advent of new search engine algorithms, the text requirements began to change.

Now the main task of SEO copywriting is to be aimed at people. Therefore, the texts should be informative and useful for users. We create valuable and exciting content for you based on keywords and people’s interests.

SEO copywriting

  • Advisory articles
  • Infographics
  • Expert analyses and reports
  • Guides and blogs
  • Interviews and comments
  • Videos for social media and websites
  • Thematic channels in social media
  • Concepts of websites
  • Podcasts and many others


We increase awareness and maximise revenues thanks to well-thought-out campaigns on social media and adequately set and optimised ads on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, or TikTok. A successful campaign on social media not only increases your awareness and commitment but also contributes to increased sales through the implementation of paid advertising.

Running your social media

We will take care of your followers on your social media!
We will start our cooperation with analysis and strategy, and then we will move on to the ongoing service of your company channels. Our social media will be serviced on an ongoing basis, and communication with users will be well-thought-out and attractive to recipients, and at the same time, will achieve your promotion goals.

Social media strategy

We start with a strategy that guides the way to the top. Running social media based on a well-thought-out strategy is a guarantee of success. When preparing the plan, we analyse the activities carried out so far, consider the latest trends and define goals and measures of success. As stated above, acting without a strategy means going to the mountains without proper preparation and maps.

Community moderation and management

If you already have a community around your blog or are just planning, we will build it and moderate conversations in groups and social media profiles.


Good artwork is more than a “cool logo” and “nice colours.” A proper graphic creation ensures a positive impression at every point of contact with the blogger or digital creator. We know how to build a visual identity and make it outstanding.

Our graphic design offers include:

  • Visual identification: from the logotype to the big ideas and claims.
  • Graphic materials: brochures, press and internet advertisements, banners, posters, etc.
  • Reportages, photo materials, image videos, and social media.
  • Animations.
  • Publishing houses, calendars, and large-format advertising.


Bespoke service packages

To make purchasing services more straightforward, we have created ready-made plans that will be very efficient and cost-effective. Try now!

Overall Plan

From € 1500

Explicit Plan

From € 2500

Cumulative Plan

From € 4500

Developing overall marketing strategy from scratch.

Drawing up a target audience portrait.

Marketing audit and market segmentation.

Social Media Marketing.

Search Engine Optimisation.

Search Engine Marketing.

Mobile Marketing.

Copywriting services.

Common advice on digital marketing strategies and plans (SMM, SEO, organic traffic development).

General marketing planning.

Marketing consulting.

Strategic planning.

Mandatory risk analysis.


Creating visual and graphic design.

The first consultation is for free!

Three consultations are for free!

Five consultations are for free!

Individual solutions

We know that often bloggers and digital creators need individual solutions. You can also order them from our agency!

Marketing consultation

€ 200/hour

General marketing planning

from € 500

Marketing strategy for your brand development

from € 1000

Digital marketing strategy from scratch

from € 1000

Content marketing strategy

from € 700

Marketing audit and market segmentation

from € 700

Mandatory risk analysis

from € 700

Drawing up a target audience portrait

from € 500


from € 600

Social Media Marketing

from € 800

Search Engine Optimisation

from € 800

Search Engine Marketing

from € 800

Mobile Marketing

from € 800

Copywriting services

from € 800

Creating visual and graphic design

from € 900

Analysis of the competitive environment in each segment

from € 1000

Consultancy for successful growth in advertising and promotion

from € 800