Web Summit

Lisbon, Portugal
November 1-4, 2022

For four days, Lisbon becomes the centre of the tech universe and, even with the pandemic ruining everything, draws north of 70,000 attendees!

Web Summit modestly describes itself as “the most important tech event in the world,” and we won’t argue. 

Part of what makes this such a great event is that everybody, from the smallest startups that turned on their computers for the first time last week to the Godzillas of Silicon Valley, goes to the Web Summit. 

While the “tech” part might dominate the headlines, Web Summit also draws pros from many related fields, like PR, marketing, design, branding, and much more.

With so many opinion makers, influencers, and media people, Web Summit is a great PR networking event. Including high-level brands present, Web Summit is also a great chance to learn from other pros. 

There’s nothing wrong with getting inspired by others, and with so many bright, creative minds under one roof, we learn a lot just by looking at what others are doing.

The event stimulates provocative views, ideas, and knowledge about world events and political, social, economic, and technological trends to enable us, PR executives, to make a more meaningful contribution to the leadership of our agencies.